Sara Dickson is in her 13th year as a PGA Certified Professional and 19th year in the golf business.
Originally from Providence, RI, Sara studied Business Administration with a concentration in PGA Golf Management and graduated Summa Cum Laude from Methodist University (Fayetteville, NC) in 2009. While at Methodist, Sara was an ESPN Magazine All-Academic American member of the 25-time NCAA III National Championship Women’s Golf Team.
Most recently, Sara was the 2015 Metropolitan PGA Women’s Player of the Year and the 2017 Metropolitan PGA Assistant Professional of the Year.
Sara pursued working as a club professional and studying under mentors in Chicago, Southwest Florida, and the Metropolitan Section before heading to the New England Section in 2018. In the process, she became a certified AimPoint Green-Reading Instructor and certified US Kids Golf Instructor, has written published articles for PGA Magazine and maintains a golf specific website at Sara has been included in the 2018-2022 Golf Digest Best Young Teachers in America and 2017-2023 Golf Digest Best Teacher by State lists.
Sara enjoys the variety of aspects that being a club professional provides – from delivering engaging member events and programs to golfing competitively and helping others reach their professional and golfing goals as well.